Home is Rome

Most of my previous posts, and fair warning, many future ones as well, are throwbacks to previous experiences. To update you on my present situation, I moved to Italy at the beginning of the year, and saying that ‘home is Rome’ has yet to get old.

Though having traveled to Europe quite a few times, Italy only made the itinerary once- A family trip to the Rome. I have extremely fond memories of doing all of the touristy things- wandering around Ostia Antica, marveling at the Sistine Chapel, buying trinkets from the gypsies, and of course eating pizza at least once a day (I’ll try to dig up some great pictures from this family vaca back when I thought dramatic side bangs were a great idea). Despite the happy vacation, I never had the urge to book a plane ticket back. I mostly blame being a pale, freckled American of mainly English/Irish decent, who did not want to be reminded of just how pale I was by the beautiful tanned Italians (joking of course!).

The reason that I ended up back in Rome was an amazing job opportunity, and I could not be more thankful. I had no idea how much I would love living in this Eternal City- It is truly magical.

I’ve actually gone to the other extreme where I may be obsessed with Rome. I’ve watched the ‘Eat’ part of ‘Eat Pray Love’ three times in the past week. Something about it makes me so happy, maybe because I still can’t believe that I am actually living that life.

There is just so much to see, do, and learn. Today I finally tried to drink out of one of the water fountains. Until this closer inspection, I had no idea that there was a small hole midway down the spicket so that when you cover the ever-flowing opening, the pressure shoots the water out like a spout that is easy to drink from… Any idea what I am talking about? Probably not.. If you visit Rome and watch people drink water, I promise you’ll understand my amazement. (I will also try to get a picture and update this post purely for your amusement.)

Besides the water fountains, this city has much more to offer- beautiful piazzas, unmatched history,  talented artists, even talented gypsies, endless winding cobblestone alleys, mesmerizing language with passionate hand gestures, high-end fashion, shopping on shopping on shopping, oh and food. The food  is reason enough why Rome might just be the greatest city ever… Pizza, pastas, wine, GELATO, espresso.. It truly amazes me that I haven’t doubled my size since moving here.

The thing that amazes me the most is the beauty in ruin. Yes, the ruins themselves are awe inspiring- the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, etc. and the very old things that are somehow not ruined like my favorite, the Pantheon- but the city in its present form is a ruin- corrupt, dirty, apparently lawless- yet it is nonetheless beautiful. A perfectly ruined place that continues to grow, yet nothing seems to change.

“And the walls kept tumbling down,
In the city that we love…”

I have every intention of writing a list of my favorite things to see, do, and of course eat in this city, but for now if you need anything, send me a message. I will be sure to update this post ASAP.

Here is a video from one of my first days of exploring. Bear with me, it’s a bit shakey, but in my defense I am a bit out of practice with a GoPro.

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